Tuesday 28 September 2010

My VARK Test Results

After taking part in a VARK test earlier today I have discovered that I am a fairly average and an all round person when it comes to learning. My results of taking the VARK test illustrated all four areas: Visual, read/write, aural and kinesthetic to be extremely close in terms of the result count. This did not surprise me as I find my learning style adapts to either my frame of mood or to the subject I am focusing on. For example when coding I find reading text books and afterwards physically coding the examples written in the book; however an area such as human biology and the digestive system I tend to use diagrams in order to remember information. I believe I am more willing to read and write when I am engaging in a subject I am interested in. However when it comes to engaging in a subject I have no interest in, I tend to look for shortcuts or ways to do less work but still achieve the same outcome, therefore diagrams are the method use.

1 comment:

  1. You are probably multimodal in learning style.
    You have now passed all the elements for the PDP section of the module.
