Friday 3 December 2010

Web Site Review #9

The New Rickstones Academy

This is an example of a website that is un-finished. This shows a lack of consistancy and an inability to complete work. The site itself is very neat and tidy however the pages trhat are unfinished may make the user question the credability of the organisation

Friday 26 November 2010

Web Site Review #8


This website is very attractive - Uses background images to break up large chunks of colour. I love the hover dropdown boxes used to help navigation. Shows professionalism and hogh quality. Bright colourful buttons and images attract attention and possiably keep visitors interested ?

Friday 19 November 2010

Web Site Review #7

Hospital Records

Very professional website. Good combination of images and text break up information. The colour scheme is very simple, which is attractive to the reader. Information is clear and concise

Friday 12 November 2010

Web Site Review #6

This website is very very simplistic - very little, if no styling. Possibly HTML and no CSS

Friday 5 November 2010

Web Site Review #5

This website is very simplistic. The content is centered with a white color theme. This makes it very ready to read and follow. Nice design

Friday 29 October 2010

Web Site Review #4


This website is very "busy", upon opening the site there is alot of text to take in, especially for first time viewers. The hyperlink colour ontop of a white background is very hard to read !

Friday 22 October 2010

Website Review #3

Canvas Graphics

This website is a clear example of basic HTML. Everything is displayed as a long list which i can only assume corresponds to how it was coded. Poor Web design !!

Friday 15 October 2010

Web Site Review #2

The Nike website demonstrates the use of flash media presented on a website. I was intrigued with how flash allows the user to select the language they wish the site to be presented in, along with the country they are currently in. The flash portrays the website as very futuristic, which in turn presents the business as a up-to-date, fast paced organisation. The flash itself is extremely simple but gives off a very positive image

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Web Site Review: #1

I came across this website today whilst looking for some JavaScript SubString Tutorials.

This website is of extremely poor quality in terms of layout and design, however i believe this is due to the websites purpose of providing educational information. People viewing this website are doing so becuase they wish to learn about Javascript substrings and are therefore focused upon the information rather than the design.

the design itself incorporates a background image which makes the website look very basic and unprofessional. The designs have then opted to use a different background colour per page. This is useful at seporating information making it easier for the reader to process information

Sunday 10 October 2010

My Assignment For 'Learning Skills And Development'

I have been contemplating a topic or area to conduct reason into for numerous weeks now. After searching for something that impacts modern day life and is at the heart of many political debates in today's society i have finally found something for suitable interest: Illegal file sharing on the internet and its affects on the UK.

The Hypothesis i shall be using for my assignment shall be: The UK can not stop its creative industries being damaged by online piracy

Thursday 30 September 2010

Useful Website For Coding

I have come across this website multiple times over the past few years. The purpose of this website is to teach viewers a variety of different coding languages. The website layout is very basic, making it easy to navigate around.

This site can be extremely useful as a recap when coding.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

My VARK Test Results

After taking part in a VARK test earlier today I have discovered that I am a fairly average and an all round person when it comes to learning. My results of taking the VARK test illustrated all four areas: Visual, read/write, aural and kinesthetic to be extremely close in terms of the result count. This did not surprise me as I find my learning style adapts to either my frame of mood or to the subject I am focusing on. For example when coding I find reading text books and afterwards physically coding the examples written in the book; however an area such as human biology and the digestive system I tend to use diagrams in order to remember information. I believe I am more willing to read and write when I am engaging in a subject I am interested in. However when it comes to engaging in a subject I have no interest in, I tend to look for shortcuts or ways to do less work but still achieve the same outcome, therefore diagrams are the method use.

Learning Line

Tuesday 21 September 2010

My SWOT Analysis

                          - Self Motivation
                          - Organised
                          - Experience in web design
                          - Very sociable
                           - Poor spelling
                           - Unclear hand writing
                           - Knowledge of referencing
                           - Inexperience in computer networking
                          - Lazy at times

                           - Social Experience
                           - Learning new skills
                           - Work Experience
                          - Presentations
                          - Group Work
                          - New Software’s
                          - Strict deadlines